G6PD - Food to Avoid

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenises deficiency is an X-linked recessive hereditary disease characterized by abnormally low levels of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenises, which is a metabolic enzyme involved in the pentose phosphate pathway, and is especially important in red blood cell metabolism. Individuals with the disease may exhibit immune hemolytic anemia in response to a number of causes, most commonly infection or exposure to certain medications or chemicals.

G6PD deficiency is closely linked to favism, a disorder characterized by a hemolytic reaction to consumption of broad beans, also known as fava beans. The name favism is sometimes used to refer to the enzyme deficiency as a whole, although this is misleading, as not all people with G6PD deficiency will manifest a physically observable reaction to consumption of broad beans. As you can see, with G6PD, foods to avoid definitely include broad beans.

\"Simple Diet\"

G6PD deficiency is the most common human enzyme defect. However, most individuals with this disease are asymptomatic. Symptomatic patients are almost exclusively male, due to the X-linked pattern of inheritance, but female carriers can be clinically affected due to unfavorable Lyonization, where random inactivation of an X-chromosome in certain cells creates a population of G6PD-deficient red blood cells coexisting with normal red cells. Abnormal red blood cell breakdown in G6PD deficiency can manifest in a number of ways, but treatments are readily available and highly effective.

G6PD - Food to Avoid

Many substances are potentially harmful to people with this disease, but variations in response to these substances makes individual predictions difficult. Antimalarial drugs that can cause acute haemolysis in people with G6PD deficiency. There is evidence that other antimalarials may also exacerbate this disease, but only at higher doses. Sulfonamides, thiazolesulfone, methylene blue and naphthalene should also be avoided by people with this disease, as should certain analgesics and a few non-sulfa antibiotics. Other G6PD foods to avoid include sugar, alcohol, and simple carbohydrates, as these can also irritate the condition. Stick to a simple diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, with plenty of water, and you should be fine.

G6PD - Food to Avoid

Click here to learn more about G6PD Deficiency at G6PD.info

How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Forever Naturally With Simple Diet and Lifestyle Changes

I have given up too many good weeks of my life to cold sores. I used to wake up every month or two to that awful tingling bump on my lip that all cold sore sufferers recognize and dread. From there, I put up with up to two weeks of embarrassment and pure hell, all as a giant blister explodes and festers on my lips. I'll cut to the chase -- cold sores suck, and chances are, you agree. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though: I've learned how to get rid of cold sores and I haven't suffered from a cold sore for over two years. This article will explain how I've pulled this off.

My first cold sore came around seven years old. They kept coming like clock work afterward, every two or three months, typically lasting up to two weeks. God that was terrible. I eventually got a prescription for acyclovir which reduced the time I spent with my cold sores but a couple days, but did nothing to actually stop them from coming.

\"Simple Diet\"

Unfortunately, there's no way you can get rid of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) that causes cold sores, but I discovered, after too much lost time to cold sores, that it is possible to essentially put HSV-1 into remission using natural techniques surrounding your diet and lifestyle.

How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Forever Naturally With Simple Diet and Lifestyle Changes

The HSV-1 virus survives and thrives in an acidic body environment. If you're eating acidic foods -- and most western diets include nothing but acidic food items -- then you are giving your cold sores a perfect feeding ground. Illness and stress also lead to a more acidic environment inside the body.

I haven't suffered from a cold sore for over two years now because I've been able to balance the pH level in my body through diet and lifestyle modifications. There are guides online that will show you the same thing.

How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Forever Naturally With Simple Diet and Lifestyle Changes

To learn more about using your diet to naturally put your cold sores into remission forever, check out ColdSores.its-fyi.com [http://coldsores.its-fyi.com].

If you are currently suffering from a cold sore and want to get rid of it naturally, check out our FREE fever blister article collection [http://coldsores.its-fyi.com].

Thank you for reading!

Underactive Thyroid Diet - Simple Diet Plan To Help You Regain Energy and Lose Weight

Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces abnormally low thyroid hormones needed by the body for metabolism, such as breaking down of foods into energy. The main symptoms of this condition include weight gain, depression, memory loss, hair loss, constipation, hoarse voice, chronic fatigue and weakness.

If you exhibit any of these symptoms or diagnosed with underactive thyroid condition, the best way to improve your thyroid function is by modifying your diet. Underactive thyroid condition can be maintained with appropriate diets that are rich in essential trace minerals such as iodine, selenium and zinc. These elements can stimulate the thyroid gland to produce enough thyroid hormones required by the body to function properly. Moreover, by maintaining appropriate diet will help you to lose weight and regain the much-needed energy for daily activities.

\"Simple Diet\"

So if you want to live a healthy life, here is a simple diet plan for underactive thyroid condition

Underactive Thyroid Diet - Simple Diet Plan To Help You Regain Energy and Lose Weight


Eat whole cereals or whole bread with eggs. For bread, choose a whole-grain and whole-meal varieties of bread. These are high in energy but low in fat. Make sure to take tea, especially herbal tea. Use low-fat milk for the tea. After this, you can take yoghurt. Milk and yoghurt are very rich in iodine. Also include fresh fruits such as strawberries.


Eat fresh ground turkey or skinless chicken sandwiches on whole-bread with sliced tomatoes. These will provide you with vitamin B and C and selenium which are essential for normal thyroid function. Make sure to drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. Water helps to flush out toxin from the body and help you to lose weight. You can take apples for snack.


Eat brown rice with shrimps and fish, such as salmon. Include plenty of vegetables and dress with tomatoes, lettuce and pepper. Ensure that you cook stew or soup with olive oil. Complete your dinner with yoghurt.

This is just a simple diet plan to give you an idea of what your main diet should contain. The key to healthy eating is to eat a wide variety of foods. To achieve the desired result, make it a habit to follow this diet plan and incorporate the above mentioned foods into your diet at least 3 times in a week.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and fibres. Eat green leafy vegetables and fruits regularly. It is recommended that you have at least five potions of fruits and vegetables a day. You should also take vitamin supplements.

Underactive Thyroid Diet - Simple Diet Plan To Help You Regain Energy and Lose Weight

A simple diet plan will go a long way in helping you to control the symptoms of underactive thyroid condition and live a healthy life. There is a program which outlines a comprehensive diet plan and other Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism which will help you to live a healthy life. To learn more about this revolutionary program visit http://www.squidoo.com/natural-remedies-for-hypothyroidism

Free Diet Plans That Work!

Here are 2 free diet plans that work. They are very basic, but make no mistake about it... they're proven effective to lose weight. You don't even need to do these diet exactly as I'm outlining them. Use these as a guide and make a plan that fits you better. Read this now so you can stop this weight loss struggle STARTING TODAY.

Free Diet Plans that Work

\"Simple Diet\"

1. The protein shake diet

Free Diet Plans That Work!

This may not be suitable for everyone. But if YOU are truly serious about losing weight fast AND in a safe manner, this works quite good. You can literally lose 20 pounds in a month if you're strict on this. Basically, all you do is drink protein shakes all day. Women generally drink 4 of them... men, 5. A key to remember is to add some fiber to them to keep you feeling filled up. For this, I recommend using flaxmeal. In a nutshell, that's it.

Two things to keep in mind with this type of diet. Your carbs are limited if you don't add something like a banana or apple into the protein shakes. So I would eat 1-2 apples as snacks while using this plan. Also, you're low on fats in the diet. I suggest you add 1 tablespoon of Virgin Olive Oil to 2 of your protein shakes to get some good fats into this plan.

2. The eggs and black bean diet

Basically, this diet revolves around you eating eggs or 1/2 can of black beans at your meal. So if you eat 3 meals, one of those things needs to be at each of those meals. So you don't feel suffocated, you can choose. The black beans are high in protein and fiber while the eggs are high in protein. Both choices fill you up, are cheap, and are healthy for you. I personally use this type of diet often. I love it.

These are 2 free diet plans that work... use them or adjust them if you're looking for nice and easy weight loss.

Free Diet Plans That Work!

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

Hypothyroid Diet - Foods to Eat and to Avoid

If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism or have any of the symptoms of abnormally low thyroid, the most important step towards your treatment is to change your eating habits. This step will help you to reduce the symptoms while at the same time help to control your weight.

Foods to Eat

\"Simple Diet\"

To reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism and also to keep your weight in check, you should eat a diet that is high in fibers. Fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables are high in minerals and fibers, so eat them regularly. You should also include, whole grain, lots of sea food and lean protein as well as nutritional supplements as vitamin A, B complex and C in your regular diet.

Hypothyroid Diet - Foods to Eat and to Avoid

Drink plenty of water everyday. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. This is necessary in order for you to be hydrated at all times. Drinking lots of water will flush out all the unnecessary fluids in the body and this can help you to lose weight.

Iodine is an important trace mineral for the production of thyroxine. Seafood and iodized salt are good sources of iodine. Selenium is another important trace element which can help to reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism. It's main function is to convert the thyroid hormone, T4, produced by the body into active form, T3, needed for body metabolism. Nuts, especially Brazil nuts, peanuts, brown rice and tuna fish are good sources of selenium and should be included in your diet.

Several herbs are also important for reducing hypothyroidism symptoms and these include kelp, seaweed, ginger, cayenne, bladder wrack and watercress.

A simple diet plan for hypothyroidism is to eat several small quantities of meals throughout the day rather than eating the normal three square meals. This diet plan will help to improve your body metabolism.

Foods to Avoid

Some foods can aggravate the symptoms of hypothyroidism and can also hinder the normal function of your thyroid. Some of these foods include broccoli, cabbage, spinach, cauliflowers, rapeseed, mustard green and pear. In addition try to avoid excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine.

Hypothyroid Diet - Foods to Eat and to Avoid

A healthy diet plan and regular body exercises are important natural ways to control hypothyroidism. To learn more about other Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism and to formulate a proper dietary plan in order to control your thyroid effectively, and to enjoy a healthy life visit: http://www.squidoo.com/natural-remedies-for-hypothyroidism

Lower Blood Pressure With 6 Natural Foods

So you want to take the natural route of lowering your blood pressure? That's not a bad choice, prescription medications can have dangerous side effects and throw your whole body out of whack. So what are the power house foods that will lower your blood pressure?

Bananas- They are loaded with potassium, and potassium works with sodium to help regulate fluid balance. Studies done in India suggest that 5 bananas per day can lower blood pressure half as effective as prescription medications. Now I'm not sure I suggest you eat 5 bananas a day, some people are sensitive to the high sugar levels in bananas. I recommend eating 2 a day and combining it with other natural hypertension treatments.

\"Simple Diet\"

Fish- I'm not talking about the fish you buy from the grocery store that's fried, I'm talking about the kind that's lean and healthy. You can get salmon at your local grocery store and other healthy fishes. It only makes sense to assume fish will lower your high pressure when you take a look at how many countries have a diet that consist mainly of fresh veggies, fruits and fish. Salmon is high in the fatty acid Omega 3; this fatty acid is very healthy for the heart. Not only does Omega 3 lower blood pressure but it also has been shown to stop and even reverse angina. You will want to limit your salmon intake to once a week though due to the high mercury levels.

Lower Blood Pressure With 6 Natural Foods

Celery- This is probably the most powerful single food you can eat that will lower your high pressure readings. Celery contains unique oil that relaxes the muscles that regulate hypertension, improving flow, and lowering pressure. Just 4 stalks a day (or some celery juice) does the trick. It is a natural diuretic without the harmful side effects, and some studies show it to be just as effective as the prescription form.

I hope these foods have helped you, I also hope they help you see that prescription medications are not the only answer to lowering your high pressure. You can find the link to the 3 other powerhouse foods to lower your blood pressure on my site in my bio box below. Good luck getting that blood pressure down, with proper diet and lifestyle change you can hopefully avoid medication use.

Lower Blood Pressure With 6 Natural Foods

John believes in using natural alternatives for lowering high blood pressure. You can see see the 3 other powerful foods to lower your blood pressure at www.highbloodpressurehelp.info

A Simple Diet Plan to Help You Lose Weight Fast

There is a serious problem of obesity everywhere in the world today. Because of this, there is a serious need for an education on nutrition. There is a simple trick to follow if you want to lose weight; just make sure that you burn more calories than you consume. It should be simple and easy to follow, that is also nutritionally sound and balanced. Let me show you a simple diet of 6 small meals each day to help speed up your metabolism. This is a diet composed of various healthy foods to help you avoid overeating and binging.

Breakfast: Have only 1 portion of lean meat (either 4 to 6 scrambled egg whites or 1 serving of fat free dairy or low fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, or 4 ounces of turkey breast or chicken). If you are vegetarian, you can eat high protein soy products. Have one portion of complex carbohydrates or one portion of fruit (medium sized fresh fruits, or brown rice, high fiber, oatmeal or whole grain cereal. Limit your portion size to half cup to a cup. Have unlimited servings of non-starchy vegetables such as mushrooms, greens and tomatoes.

\"Simple Diet\"

Mid-morning Snack: You may eat a medium sized fruit or an ounce of raw nuts like pumpkin seeds, walnuts and almonds. Natural peanut butter portioned at one to two tablespoons is also ok.

A Simple Diet Plan to Help You Lose Weight Fast

Lunch: Have one portion of lean protein coming from fat free dairy or low fat cottage cheese, yogurt or 4 ounces of lean beef, turkey or chicken breast. Have a medium sized fruit that is fresh and not canned. If that is possible, the next best thing is frozen fruit. You are allowed one portion of complex carbohydrates like half cup or one cup of whole grain pasta or brown rice, or a medium sized sweet potato or baked potato.

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Have one portion of lean protein, and unlimited amount of non-starchy vegetables.

Dinner: Have 2 portions of lean protein, and unlimited servings of non-starchy vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, mixed green salads. You can always mix them with spices, herbs and lemon juice with sea salt. Try to avoid creamy sauces, margarine and butter because they have unnecessary calories.

This is the best and simplest diet plan if you want to lose weight. If you feel as if you are not losing weight as fast as you want to, all you need to do is increase your physical activities. If you are still reaching a plateau, try to cut down your carbohydrates and fruit servings in half. But never limit your protein intake. Remember that we want to lose fat, not muscles.

A Simple Diet Plan to Help You Lose Weight Fast

The Author runs a blog on Free Online Diets [http://www.askyaba.com/topic/health-and-fitness] and Easy Weight Loss.

Simple Diet For Weight Loss - Here's 1 Diet That Works and You Won't Feel Like You're Suffering!

Here's a simple diet for weight loss that works without you having to suffer or feel deprived of your favorite foods. Weight loss is hard enough, but to suffer while losing weight sets people up for long term failure.

Not only that, people then cling to fast weight loss gimmicks in the hopes of getting around deprivation and suffering.

\"Simple Diet\"

Simple Diet for Weight Loss

Simple Diet For Weight Loss - Here's 1 Diet That Works and You Won't Feel Like You're Suffering!

1. For breakfast, eat a lot and make sure you have at least 20 grams of protein.

You need to start the day out right to give your metabolism an immediate boost. You do that by eating your ONLY big meal for the day and having plenty of metabolism boosting protein... so you can burn off more calories faster.

Suggestions to perhaps include... 3-4 scrambled eggs, a low calorie yogurt, and/or cottage cheese.

2. For lunch, eat a protein on top of a bed of lettuce

Tuna, 1 can of black beans, a chicken breast, or a lean meat... use one of those or a combination of them and put it on top of lettuce so you can have a "protein salad". You have lots of options with this, so try at least one of them.

3. For dinner, eat a lean meat with 1-2 sides of vegetables

The lean meat has protein and the vegetables will have fiber and lots of nutrients. It basically covers all your nutritional needs.

4. Snacks and liquids

I suggest apples, grapefruits, blueberries, black olives, string cheese, beef jerky, and bananas. These will cover your antioxidant needs. For liquids... avoid liquids that contain calories so stick with green tea and water.

There's a simple diet for weight loss that you can use in whole or parts for yourself.

Simple Diet For Weight Loss - Here's 1 Diet That Works and You Won't Feel Like You're Suffering!

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

How to Lose 40 Pounds Fast

If you want to know how to lose 40 pounds fast, you need to realize there isn't just 1 answer. In fact, you can probably come up with a number of ways in which you can achieve that impressive goal. But there are a few general ways you can consider:

1. The detox way - This is probably the fastest way to lose weight. You follow a strict diet comprised of fruit juices and other ingredients which cleanse your body of a lot of toxins and accumulated weight. A lot of people had great success with this kind of diet, but it does have it's drawbacks: it doesn't build muscle tissue, it's not healthy to follow it for long because it's strict, and it's not the best way to lose weight when you're thinking long term. You will be able to lose 40 lbs fast by using this diet, but if you're not really pressed for time, than you may want to consider other options.

\"Simple Diet\"

2. You can do it the cardio way - We all know that cardio burns a lot of calories. It's no surprise then that you can lose 40 pounds fast by doing a lot of cardio. The added benefit is that you will not only look fit on the outside, you will also feel fit on the inside. This is a healthy way to lose weight, but you need to make sure you don't go overboard with too much cardio to avoid injuring yourself.

How to Lose 40 Pounds Fast

3. You can do it the diet way - This way is based on following a simple diet and doing some exercise, but a lot less than the cardio way. I recommend using a diet called fat loss 4 idiots because it has a great track record, it provides a fast weight loss, and it's easy to use. The drawback is that you don't develop any muscle tissue on this diet, just lose weight. Some people manage to lose 9 lbs in 11 days with this diet, so it can help you lose 40 pounds fast.

Choose the way which suits your character and goals. Good luck in your efforts to lose 40 pounds fast.

How to Lose 40 Pounds Fast

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 40 Lbs Fast

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet

Lose Ten Pounds in Two Weeks with this Simple Diet Plan

Losing weight and living healthier is not about getting the perfectly sculpted body but instead is more about staying fit and ensuring a long, disease free life. We all know by now that those extra pounds we all have can spell illness and possibly death if left unchecked. All across the country, people are beginning to live a healthier life style and the secret is weight loss.

Most people have a few pounds that they would like to lose but it takes a lot of hard work and change. Moreover, it takes changes in your lifestyle, both in being more physically active, and in improving your diet. Losing even just one or two pounds is difficult and requires a level of commitment on your part, but losing the last ten pounds can be hardest of all. Remember to be realistic about your weight loss.

\"Simple Diet\"

What if you wanted to lose ten pounds in two weeks through exercise and dieting? Is that possible? I say yes and here is how:

  • The first thing I want rid of all that bad food in your refrigerator and cupboards. That's right. Throw it all away. You won't need to have any sugary snacks, cookies, candy or soda in your house since you won't be cheating, right? I know throwing out perfectly good food is difficult but this food isn't good for you. It's bad for you, remember that.
  • Plan out the steps of your diet even including those little steps you may not think are important. Always stay away from those troublesome carbs. I know it sounds like a cliché to mention but you really do need to limit your carb intake. 28 grams a day is a good number and realistic too because it is basically just a sandwich at lunch topped with some vegetables. I substitute carb-heavy foods like pasta with meals of eggs, chicken, and vegetables with some fruit as desert. You can eat salads but don't use any dressing. Go with lemon juice instead. It is much healthier for you.
  • Stay disciplined and stick to all of your daily routines. Always eat at set, normal times and don't eat late or over eat. Go to the gym and work out on a consistent and regular basis. Exercise is very important so you should walk whenever it is possible such as to the store, a friend's house or even to work.
  • You absolutely, positively need to exercise. If you don't exercise properly and consistently, you're just spinning your wheels because you won't accomplish anything without it. Get off the couch, join a gym and start doing cardio through aerobics classes, bicycling, running, etc.
  • This last and final step seems too easy to be true but it easily just as important as any other step. Drink plenty of water. Fruit juices are good for you but there are many brands which contain a lot of sugar and therefore carbs.

Lose Ten Pounds in Two Weeks with this Simple Diet Plan
Lose Ten Pounds in Two Weeks with this Simple Diet Plan

Visit the experts at Dual Action Cleanse at www.dualactioncleansenow.com. Dual Action Cleanse's all-natural colon cleanser has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through gentle and effective whole body safe and effective body detox.